• Log onto the GFI FaxMaker Online management Portal (http://www.faxmakeronline.com) as an account with administrator privileges.


  • Click the Gear icon in the top right corner of the screen and select Users.


  • Click on the Add Users button and fill out the details for the new user


  • User Details

    • Enter the user's First Name in the FIRST NAME field

    • Enter the user's Last Name in the SUR NAME field

    • Enter "Landmark Structures" in the FAX CSID field

    • Select "Landmark" from the Department list.

    • Click Next button

  • Fax Number

    • Place a checkmark in the checkbox of the No Fax number Required field

    • Enter the user's email address in the SENDING EMAIL field.

    • Click the Next button.


  • Set cover page options

    • Set the cover page to use the Default Coverpage

    • Set the cover page to only be used if there is body text included in the fax.

    • Click the Next button


  • Set notification options

    • Place a checkmark in the Email to Fax Initial Notification (Success) field.

    • Place a checkmark in the Email to Fax Initial Notification (Failure) field.

    • Place a checkmark in the Email to Fax Delivery Notification (Success) field.

    • Place a checkmark in the Email to Fax Delivery Notification (Failure) field.

    • Click the Next button


  • Set Date and Time Formatting

    • Set the time zone to the user's operating time zone. This is typically either Central or Eastern.

    • Set date format to "yyyy-MM-dd"

    • Set time format to "h:mmtt (12hrs)"

    • Click the Next button.


  • Click on the Finish button.


  • Inform the user the account has been provisioned and provide instructions for sending faxes from email.