The Timberline Equipment Module has three primary components:

  • Equipment Types
  • Cost Codes
  • Equipment Codes (Specific Pieces of Equipment, or Groups of Equipment)

Equipment Types - All equipment is organized into a “Type”.  Equipment is either Generic (not a specific piece of equipment), or Specific (specific piece of equipment with a Landmark EQ ID stenciled on the side).  The Equipment types defined in Landmark’s Equipment Module include:

  • ACC – Access Equipment (Generic)
  • AIR – Air Compressors (Specific)
  • BOX – Job Boxes and Office Boxes (Generic)
  • CRN – Cranes and Associated Power Plants
  • CRT – Crane Tower (Generic)
  • CTG – Coatings Equipment (Generic)
  • GEN – Generators (Specific)
    • GEN1 – 15-25 KVA (Office Generators)
    • GEN2 – 70-100 KVA (Small Production Generators)
    • GEN3 – 120-220 KVA (Large Production Generators)
  • HST – Tank Hoist Equipment (Specific)
  • PED – Pedestal Build and Stripout (Specific to Pedestal Diameter)
    • PED1 – Pedestal Build Package – Wood
    • PED3 – Pedestal Strip-out Package
  • SEC – Security Equipment (Generic)
  • TRL – Trailers (Generic)
  • VEH – Vehicles (Specific)
    • VEH1 – Vehicles ½ Ton – Field
    • VEH2 – Vehicles ¾ Ton – Field
    • VEH3 – Vehicles 1 Ton – Field
    • VEH4 – Vehicles – Field Allowance
  • WLD – Weld Equipment (Generic)

Equipment Cost Codes - Cost transactions against these pieces of equipment must be coded to Equipment Module Cost Codes, including:
Operating Costs          

10-010 Fuel (Vehicles)                         Donlen bills coded by EQ Manager

10-020 Tolls/Misc                                Credit Card Charges coded by EQ Manager

Maintenance Costs                                Credit Card or AP charges for Maintenance

20-010 General Maintenance

20-020 Engine

20-030 Transmission

20-040 Hydraulic System

20-050 Fuel System

20-060 Electrical System

20-070 Air System

20-080 Tires

Internal Maintenance Costs

30-010 Decatur Maintenance             Work performed by Decatur Personnel

30-020 Landmark Labor                     Maintenance work performed by Field Personnel

Vehicle Allowance Costs

80-010 Field Allowance                    Weekly allowance and fuel charges only

Equipment Rental Costs

80-020 Long-Term Lease/Rental   Available to EQ Manager Only

80-030 EQ Rental - Replacement   Available to EQ Manager Only

80-040 EQ Transport for Repair   Available to EQ Manager Only

Ownership Costs

90-010 Equipment Purchase

90-020 Depreciation                            Available to Accounting Only

90-030 Insurance                                 Available to Accounting Only

90-040 Permits, Fees, Licenses

90-050 Interest                                     Available to Accounting Only

90-060   Property Tax                            Available to Accounting Only

90-999 Balance Forward