It may be very helpful for Field Superintendents to Set up the Google Chrome application to automatically open the following four tabs:

  1. hh2 Remote Payroll Timesheet Entry
  2. hh2 Remote Payroll Equipment Claims Entry
  3. hh2 Field Reports Daily Logs Calendar
  4. hh2 Field Reports Unit Production Worksheet

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Open Google Chrome
  • Go to Google Chrome Settings - upper right-hand corner, three dots, then choose "Settings"

Navigate to the bottom of the Settings page, and locate "On Startup"

  • Click on "Open a specific page or set up pages
  • Click on "Add a new page"

  • Copy the following text into the Add a New Page popup ""
  • Click the "Add" button

  • Add three additional pages on startup by repeating these steps for:

    • hh2 Equipment Time Sheet - ""
    • hh2 Daily Logs Calendar - ""
    • hh2 Unit Production Worksheet - ""
  • Close Chrome, and then re-open it.  These four tabs should open automatically, in this order, and open to your Payroll Group.