Coding Travel Events

  • Switch the Pay Type Group to "FIELD TVL/PD"

  • Add the "Travel" cost code (xxx-09-022) for the Job-Phase for which you want to claim Travel or Per Diem.
    Note: If working multiple Jobs/Phases in a week, add each of these Job-Phase-09-022 combinations to the time sheet.

  • Travel events are coded using the lavender-colored "FRM" and "TO" cells

  • In the "FRM" cell, enter the Job number or location designation (1-4) where the travel began

  • Non-Job locations include:
    • Home (use "1") 
    • Decatur Shop (use "2") 
    • Fort Worth Office (use "3") 
    • Burlington Shop (use "4")

  • In the "TO" cell, enter the Job number or location designation (1-4) where the travel ended

  • For INITIAL MOBILIZATIONS to a Jobsite, If the employee is assigned a Company Vehicle, or is receiving a weekly vehicle allowance and fuel card, that employee CAN NOT receive mileage reimbursement.  Instead, code actual time driven for the mobilization on the time sheet, under the "Job: Phase-09-022 Travel: CC 00 Standby" row.

  • The system will automatically disallow any claim for an employee who lives less than 70 miles from the Jobsite.  All distances are calculated as "Surface Distance" x 1.16 correction factor.

  • Video Overview - Coding for Travel-Mobilizations

  • Video Overview - Coding for Travel - Return to Jobsite

Coding "Mobilization From (MFRM) Events
  • Initial mobilizations to a Jobsite that are greater than or equal to 500 miles will be eligible for a special one-time "MFRM" Per Diem.  In the MFRM cell, enter the Job Number that the employee mobilized from (even if the employee actually mobilizes from home).  If the distance is greater than 500 miles, the MFRM Per Diem will be approved and paid.

Coding Per Diem Claims

  • In the light green "PD" cells, place a "1" in each day you are claiming a Per Diem.  To be eligible for Per Diem, employees must work hours in the Job/Phase for which Per Diem is being claimed.

  • Occasionally very high prevailing wage will not pay Per Diem.  The Superintendent an crew will be made aware of these situations.

  • When working multiple jobs on the same day, only one Per Diem will be paid to employees.

  • The system will automatically disallow any claim for an employee who lives less than 70 miles from the Jobsite.

  • Video Overview - Coding for Per Diem and Per Diem Special

Coding Per Diem Special Claims

  • In the lime green "PDS" cells, place a "1" in each day you are claiming a "Special" Per Diem - when employees are not eligible for Per Diem because no hours were worked in a Job/Phase, however they were on-site and scheduled to work.

  • Situations where Per Diem Specials can be claimed include:
    • Weathered Out Days
    • Schedule does not permit work (i.e. Sunday work not allowed)
    • Extremely long (i.e. three day) mobilizations across the country

  • Comments MUST be entered a for the day explaining the rationale for the Special Per Diem claim.