Video Overview - Logging in to the hh2 website and changing your password

Video Overview - hh2 Remote Payroll

Overview of hh2 Remote Payroll

  • When you first login, you will be directed to the "Home Screen".  You can always return to this screen by pushing the "Home Button", on the top of the left-hand navigation pane
  • You will see up to three additional icons in this pane, "RP" (Remote Payroll), "FR" (Field Reports), and "HR" (Human Resources)
  • Click on the Remote Payroll icon 
  • Most users will see three options:
    • Remote Payroll : Time Sheet.  Click here to enter Time and Travel/Per Diem Claims 
    • Remote Payroll : Time Approval.  Click here to review and approve Time and Travel/Per Diem Claims 
    • Remote Payroll : Labor Detail.  Click here to view, print or download Time and Travel/Per Diem Claims 
  • Click on Remote Payroll : Time Sheet.  The main areas of the screen include: 
    • Parameters Area (top bar of the screen)
    • Time Entry Area (middle section)
    • Summary Area (bottom bar of the screen)

  • Parameters Area (top bar of the screen)
    • View (Daily or Weekly) 
    • Payroll Group (Allows you to change from Crew to Crew if you have access to multiple crews) 
    • Employee (Weekly View Only) 
    • Pay Period (Weekly View Only) 
    • Pay Type Group (toggles between "Field Pay" (time worked) and "Field TVL/PD" (Travel and Per Diem claims) 
    • More Button 
    • Refresh Button

  • Time Entry Area 
    • Crew (Daily View Only) 
    • Date(s) 
    • Date Forward/Backward Buttons (Weekly View Only) 
    • Crew Members (Daily View Only) 
    • More Button 
    • Approve Button 
    • Time Entry

  • Summary Area 
    • "Add Jobs/Codes to Time Sheet" Button 
    • Summary of Hours/Claims by Crew Member or Day 
    • Overall Summary of Hours/Claims for Crew 
    • Pay Type Legend