To add a Form to a Project, Choose the Project and select the Forms Tool.

Examples of Forms in Procore include:

  • Confined Space Evaluation Form
  • Excavation Inspection and Entry Authorization Checklist
  • Weekly HIRA Log
  • Mobile Equipment Operation Permit
  • Pedestal Daily QA Report
  • First Aid Kit Supplies - Order Form

  1. Choose the Forms tool from the Procore Mobile App

  2. Click the Plus (+) Button at the top to add a form.

  3. Choose the desired form by selecting it.  If an expected form is Not Available, try "Dragging Down" on the screen to refresh the available forms.

  4. On the Phone, use the "Pinch and Spread" technique to zoom in and out as desired.  Fill in the Form by selecting desired boxes/buttons and filling in the data.  Once completed, tap the Save Button at the top.