To complete your daily Pedestal Aesthetic Inspection in Procore (and automatically email the results).
- Chose the appropriate project tin the PROCORE mobile app.
Choose the "Inspections" tool, and then click the "+" to add a new inspection.
Choose Pedestal Aesthetics.
Add a description to the "Inspection Header" if desired . . . this is a good place to describe any issues with the pedestal.
Add attachments (Pictures) to the header by either "Take a Photo" or "Choose From Library"
Complete the inspection by indicating the:
- Pedestal Aesthetic Status - "Routine" (No Issues), or "Issue"
- Pedestal Aesthetic Location - Test Panel, Lift Number or Dome
- Pedestal Aesthetic Status - "Routine" (No Issues), or "Issue"
- Additional photos can be added by selecting the "i" to the right of the responses.
An email will be distributed with this information within 5 minutes to:
- The Superintendent Submitting the Inspection
- The General Superintendent of Pedestal Construction
- Senior Superintendents of Pedestal Construction
- Administrative Support of Pedestal Construction
- Landmark Director of Quality
- The Superintendent Submitting the Inspection
- If the inspection was marked as "Issue", the email priority will be "High" (indicated with Red Exclamation Mark). If the inspection is marked as "Routine", the email will be sent as "Normal" priority.