Time Sheet – Time Entry Area

  1. Crew - Icon displaying initials for the current crew, only available on the Daily View.
  2. Date(s) - Single data on the Daily View, pay period week (Sun-Sat) on the Weekly View. 

  3. Date Forward/Backward Buttons (Weekly View Only).

  4. Crew Members – on the Daily View only, icons display the crew member initial, or if a picture of the employee has been taken using the hh2 Remote Payroll App, the picture will display here.  This can be potentially very useful as employees change crews frequently.

  5. Time Entry Area - Fills in with Jobs and Cost Codes cells in which to enter hours worked.

  6. Add Jobs/Codes Button - Used to add additional Jobs and Cost Codes to the time sheet.  Can also be used to add available GL Accounts.