The main screen of the hh2 Remote Payroll App contains eleven main functions:
- Payroll Group - choose among available payroll groups
- Pay Period - choose the desired Pay Period End Date to work in
- Weekly Timecard - displays the weekly timecard for a single employee
- Employee Daily Time - displays the single day timecard for a single employee
- Time Entry - allows for single time entry for a single employee at a time
- Daily Timecard - displays the single day timecard for all employees in the Payroll Group
- Approval - allows for Payroll Group approvals in a single window
- Signature - allows for easy capturing of employee signatures (approvals) of their timesheets
- Equipment Weekly Timecard - the weekly equipment timecard for a single piece of equipment
- Equipment Time Entry - allows for single time entry for a single piece of equipment at a time
- Equipment Daily Timecard - displays the single day timecard for all equipment assigned to the Payroll Group